K9LJB Through the years.
Around late 1961, this was my rig.
Heathkit DX-40 transmitter with a Knightkit V-44 VFO
Hallicrafters SX-99 receiver replacing my original S-38
A Heathkit "Twoer" transceiver for 2 Meter AM
Note the rotator control for the beam antenna.
This was my killer antenna, A Mosley TA-33 jr up 55 feet.
The tower was salvaged sections after a tornado nearby.
This was my rig at school when I went to the U of I in the Fall of 64.
The receiver is a WW2 surplus BC-348. The transmitter is homebrew with
a 6L6 running about 10 watts crystal controlled on CW.
At home, I had a "new" setup:
The transmitter was the Heathkit Apache TX-1 running around 200 watts!
The receiver is a surplus Navy RBM low-frequency receiver with crystal
converters to bring in the various ham bands. Bulky, but very nice.
I made the switch to Single Sideband with this rig.
The transmitter is a Gonset GSB-100 on the left.
The receiver is entirely home built, modeled after the Collins 75A series
Note the Johnson Speed-X "bug" for sending high speed CW (code).
My next addition was a Model 15 Teletype machine and the electronics to hook it
to my ham rig.
Yes, I was hamming digitally back in the 1960s!
I then put the whole rig in a relay rack and added a 1000 watt amplifier
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My good friend Greg Darland, K9OIJ, now N9ODY pictured in Feb 1964 and, on the right, May 1964
Field Day around 1964 in Phidelphia, IL
Greg Darland K9OIJ on the left and Dennis Drogan, K9OLU on the right.
Our Field Day antenna was a wire went from the top of the spliced 2X4s to
the railing 160 feet up on the elevator.
Closer picture of my home brew "Collins" receiver in an
early stage.
Pictures of Maritime Mobile operation in 1969/70
10 Years later, 1975 as W5UGY in Garland, Tx.......
Shortwave QRP (low power) rigs in use circa 1998, Kenwood TS130V and Yaesu
Picture of my very modest (and cluttered) operating position 1998
Pictures of my mobile QRP setup in 1998
By request, closer picture of my venerable and somewhat modified
Collins 75A-2 (SN752)
Hammarlund HQ-129X made between 1946 and 1952, unrestored, but fully